And dropped five Sweet Violet (Viola odorata 'Royal Robe') around my relatively new Dwarf Barbados Cherry (Malphigia glabra; planted just this winter). Some reports indicate this Viola could be invasive, but this is a rather restricted bed so I'm thinking it can't go too far (and I'd be happy if it at least filled in the area!).
Two of my yard plants are actually in bloom. Of course, for the Missouri Violet (Viola missouriensis) you almost have to get down on your hands and knees to get a good peek at the blossom. But its a flower, by golly (those of us in the shade celebrate small victories).
Whereas my two Friendship Plants (Billbergia nutans) have several flower stalks that are even visible from a non-prone position. The stalks have a vivid red color and the actual blossoms are quite beautiful when seen up close (i.e. back down on your hands and knees).
[Grower Jim of Garden Adventures also has a recent post about another Billbergia (B. windii) that looks quite interesting.]
Wow...these are wonderful! I love the purple crayon outline of the B. Nutans.