Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bloom Day Tardies

I kept telling them to hurry up or they were gonna be late.  They kept crying out "Just hold on, we're almost ready."  But Garden Blogger's Bloom Day came and went without them.  Three of my plants didn't quite make it (and two are still being slowpokes).

Days before GBBD, I watched as the very first Red Spider Lily (Lycoris radiata) bloom stalk made its debut.  It shot out of the ground, but couldn't quite get ready by September 15.

A couple a days later, its red blossoms unfurled and are still putting on a show.  I have several of these planted in the area but this is my first Spider Lily bloom in the garden.

 The Ox Tongue (Gasteria liliputana) is also a little late.  The curled stalk is about a foot tall and should soon start producing some color.  This will also be its first bloom for my garden.

The third tardy member for GBBD is the Soap Aloe (Aloe maculata) which also bloomed earlier this year (stalk appeared in March, blooms lasted for most of April).  Its stalk seems to add inches overnight and I expect its show to start within a couple of weeks.

Better late than never!


  1. Fashionably late I would say. I have the same aloe and the stalk is growing around an inch a day.

  2. Absolutely! You have such a great array of plants that we do NOT have up here. Thank you for being patient and sharing. :-) Also, thanks for your recent visit.

  3. Paul: Isn't it amazing how fast that stalk grows.

    Shady: Glad you stopped by...always good to hear from another shady character.
