Monday, April 15, 2013

Flower Power: GBBD April 2013

 Sponsored by May Dream Gardens

Established Plants

 Cedar Sage (Salvia roemeriana)

 Chinese Indigo (Indigofera kirilowii)

 Chocolate Chip Ajuga (Ajuga reptans 'Valfredda')

 Texas Gold Columbine (Aquilegia chrysantha var. hinckleyana)

 Jerusalem Sage (Phlomis fruticosa)

 Banana Shrub (Michelia figo)

 Texas Betony (Stachys coccinea)

 Soap Aloe (Aloe maculata)

 Gulf Coast Penstemon (Penstemon tenuis)

 White Shamrock (Oxalis crassipes 'Alba')

Pink Shamrock (Oxalis crassipes 'Rosea')

Mexican Honeysuckle (Justicia spicigera)

New Plants in the Garden

Shrimp Plant (Justicia brandegeeana)

Pam's Pink Turk's Cap (Malvaviscus drummondii 'Pam Puryear')


Pansies (Viola tricolor)

Potted Plants

Star Begonia (Begonia heracleifolia)

Indoor Plants

Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis sp.)


Rattlesnake Agave (Manfreda maculosa)

 Amaryllis (Hippeastrum sp.)

 Oakleaf Hydrangea 'Alice' (Hydrangea quercifolia 'Alice')

 Little White Soldiers (Drimiopsis maculata)


  1. Your garden is having beautiful April Bloom Day. I love that you know all their names. I have so many unidentified. Did you add to your cactus and succulents at the weekend? I did.

    1. Missed out at C&S Show; spotted one I liked but drifted away instead of grabbing - went back but it had already been snagged. Glad you got some.

  2. Envy, from someone in upstate New York - both for an outdoor garden with abundant blooms and such beautiful orchids. However, spring is progressing by the day here and soon we will have lots of flowers, too. Happy GBBD!

  3. have a lot going on.
    Love that Chinese Indigo...and the aloes, especially.

  4. So many beautiful plants! I think you just helped me identify one of mine as a soap aloe. Thanks!

  5. The mix of tropicals and waterwise plants is so striking! Love that you have a photo of Jerusalem sage next to Banana shrub (cool bloom). And your Chinese indigo looks great. I've got a new little one, and hopefully it fills out like yours.

  6. So many beautiful blooms - thanks for sharing!
