Saturday, June 16, 2012

Three Tiers Additions

My xeric Three Tiers Garden continues to take shape.  The most recent addition is six
Sempervivum 'Krebs' added to the middle tier in front of the Soap Aloe (Aloe maculata) & Calamar Squid Agaves (Agave bracteosa 'Calamar').

The maroon highlights on it's leaves add a small splash of color to the bed.  As shafts of sunlight penetrate, the coloration is really spotlighted.

It should slowly spread out from the main central plant to form a mat (several pups can be seen coming out already - true of most of the specimens).

I'm still on the hunt for additional 'Cherry Coke' Dyckias and perhaps a couple more low-growing filler specimens - and will eventually move some plants around in the top tier this fall.  But so far, I'm pleased with how it is developing.


  1. I like the groupings here that you've placed. They should all spread out nicely.

  2. That looks good.
    I love that color, in the Sempervivums. Like little green and maroon flowers.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Your garden is a garden of two faces. The spikey one and the floral frenzy of bloom day. Both are lovely. Have you had the Semps. in the ground for more than a year? I have always had trouble keeping them alive and wonder if you know the trick and would share.

    1. Had one Sempervivum in backyard garden survive in ground last winter, but has never flourished. Have some concerns regarding most of these plants - but research seems to indicate they should survive (plus, though only a 30 minute drive away, your garden seems to get considerably colder than mine).

  4. That looks wonderful. You're making great progress -- I love those "Krebs" -- did you get then at East Side Succulents or elsewhere? The color on them is so delicate. Nice job.

    1. I actually found them at Red Barn (and Countryside also had them unlabeled for a slightly higher cost). East Austin Succulents had a similar variety in which I'm interested but have not yet obtained: 'Gay Jester' Sempervivum. Similar colors but arranged slightly differently.
