Friday, September 24, 2010

Ox Tongue: Better Late Than Never

"I'm ready now.  Where is everybody?"  The Ox Tongue (Gasteria liliputana) missed Garden Blogger's Bloom Day by a little over a week.  But it is finally dressed and ready to party.

Thick, stout speckled leaves erupt from a cluster and are quite nice all by themselves.

But for the first time in my garden, the Ox Tongue decided that conditions were right for it to add its red & green blooms to the show.

As Paul from Handlebar Gardens commented on my Bloom Day Tardies post: It was just being fashionably late.


  1. I know how you feel about those fashionably late party attenders...My spider lily just bloomed. I was spying yours and thinking "what gives?" then, there it shows, 3 days later - fashionably late! I especially love the first shot with the shadow of the bloom - lovely!

  2. What an intriguing little flower...

  3. Cat: I have several planted, but only one bloom thus far. Sure hope the others follow.

    Katina: It really is fun; looks almost exactly like most of my Aloe blooms.

  4. I love those unusual blooms. I wish I had more shade in my yard. I have to cram all my favorites in two little spaces. Is that a pond I see in the background?

  5. I love the color on the Ox Tongue. It looks a salmon color. I am always on the lookout for more shade loving plants--the shade is growing by leaps and bounds every year.

  6. Amy: Yep - that's my shady pond tucked back in there. Ain't we a pair: you want more shade and I want more sun (we gardeners are so funny)!

    Morning: That's an apt description of the red shade: salmon. It does well in dappled sunlight on my deck, but has to be protected from our freezes.

  7. Too bad it doesn't bloom at Christmas, that red and green is perfect.

  8. Bob: It certainly does have nice holiday colors.
